Students on probation in Sweden
Expedition to the center of Belarus
In the Mineralogical Museum

Social and economic geography in the XXI century: New realities and applied opportunities


(Minsk, November 19-21, 2020)



The Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of the Belarusian State University invites interested scientists, researchers and practitioners, graduate students, undergraduates and students to take part in the international scientific and practical conference "Social and Economic Geography in the 21st Century: New Realities and Practical Opportunities". The purpose of the conference is a scientific discussion, critical reflection and discussion by the expert community of theoreticians and practitioners of the place and role of socio-economic geography and spatial research in a modern, dynamically changing world. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research or work experience in accordance with the thematic sections of the conference, and also try to find answers to the following questions: 1) how effectively modern public geography adapts to the research relevant stakeholder requests: the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and society, technological labor market transformation; artificial intelligence and smart cities, new mobility, the transition to a closed-loop economy, comfortable and inclusive public spaces, geodemographic and other issues; 2) how important are the interdisciplinarity and cooperation of modern geographers with specialists in related scientific and practical fields; 3) what is the best way to apply socio-geographical theoretical and methodological approaches to spatial analysis in solving urgent applied issues and problems; 4) what is the future of the space of global socio-economic processes and their research in the (post-)COVID-19 era?


  1. Regional problems of socio-economic development.
  2. Demographic and migration problems.
  3. Urban spaces and development in the modern world.
  4. The geography of mobility, transport and infrastructure.
  5. Geographical dimensions of modern tourism and culture.
  6. Geoecological aspects of human geography.
  7. GIS and analysis of spatial socio-economic processes.

Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to conduct the School of student's scientific experience «Demographic Risks of the 21st Century».

To participate in the conference until September 28, 2020, you must go through online registration and send abstracts to the organizing committee. To register, use the link: Based on the results of the work, it is planned to publish a collection of conference materials deposited at BSU and placed in the electronic library of BSU and RSCI.


  • Until September 28, 2020 - registration and sending materials for publication.
  • Until October 12, 2020 - confirmation of acceptance of materials for publication.
  • Until November 09, 2020 - sending out the program and official invitations to the conference participants.





DAY 1. NOVEMBER 19, 2020 (Thursday)

09:00 - 10:00 - Arrival of the conference participants, registration, coffee

10:00 - 10:30 - Opening of the conference and plenary session

10:30 - 13:30 – Sections work

10:30 - 13:30 - School of student science experience

«Demographic risks of the XXI century»

13:30 - 14:30 - Lunch

14:30 - 15:30 - Sections work

15:30 - 16:00 - Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30 - Continuation of the sections work

16:00 - 17:30 ‑ Continuation of the School of student science experience

«Demographic risks of the XXI century»

17:30 - 18:00 - Summing up the 1st day of the conference

18:00 - Cultural program


DAY 2. NOVEMBER 20, 2020 (Friday)

10:00 -13: 00 - Sections work

10:00 - 13:00 - School of student science experiment

«Demographic risks of the XXI century»

13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch

14:00 - 16:30 - Continuation of the sections work

14:00 - 16:30 - Continuation of the School of student scientific experience «Demographic risks of the XXI century»

16:30 - 17:00 - Summing up the conference. Presentation of certificates.

17:00 – City-tour «New images of the urban space of Minsk»


DAY 3. NOVEMBER 21, 2020 (Saturday)

Outing tour «Unknown Belarus»

(duration 8-10 hours), departure of conference participants



  1. Aleksandrova – Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), Full Professor of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  2. Katrovskiy – Smolensk State University (Russia), Full Professor of the Department of Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  3. Mechkovskaya – Gzhel State University (Russia), Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism, PhD, Associate Professor.
  4. Popkova – Kursk State University (Russia), Full Professor at the Department of Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  5. Rodionova D.Sc., Full Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russia).
  6. Savoskul – Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, D.Sc.
  7. Treyvish – Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (Russia), Chief Researcher, Department of Socio-Economic Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  8. Chasovskiy – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia), Head of the Department of Geography, Nature Management and Spatial Development of Institute of Nature Management, Territorial Development and Urban Planning, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  9. Mezentsev – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  10. Nemec – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), Head of the Department of Social and Economic Geography and Regional Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  11. Podgrushny – Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Head of the sector of the territorial organization of society, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  12. Rudenko – Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Advisor to the Directorate, Honorary Director, Full Professor.
  13. Palmovsky – University of Gdansk (Poland), Director of the Institute of Geography, Ph.D., professor.
  14. Pirozhnik – Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland), Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Tourism, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  15. Chaplinsky– University of Szczecin (Poland), Professor, Department of Socio-Economic Geography, Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management, Institute of Spatial Economy and Socio-Economic Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  16. Szymańska – Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland), Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Regional Development, D.Sc., Full Professor.
  17. Kokcharov – IHS Market (UK), Principal Research Analyst, Europe & CIS, Country Risk.
  18. Kriystev – University of Economics of Varna (Bulgaria), Associate Professor of the Department "Economics and Organization of Tourism", PhD.
  19. Sarmento – University of Minho (Portugal), Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, PhD, Associate Professor.
  20. Berchenko – Deputy Director for Research, State Scientific Research Institution «Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus» (Belarus), PhD, Associate Professor.
  21. Mironova – Director of the Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus (Belarus), PhD.
  22. Potaeva – Director of Tourist Company «Viapol» (Belarus), PhD, Associate Professor.
  23. Sheleg – Belarusian State Economic University (Belarus), Full Professor of the Department of Economics of Trade and Services, D.Sc., Full Professor.


  1. Kurlovich– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics, PhD, Associate Professor (Chair of Organizing Committee).
  2. Antipova– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, D.Sc., Full Professor (Co-Chair of Organizing Committee).
  3. Bezruchonak– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, PhD, Associate Professor (Deputy Chair of Organizing Committee).
  4. Zaitsev– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, PhD, Associate Professor.
  5. Shevtsova– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, PhD, Associate Professor.
  6. Zaprudsky– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, PhD.
  7. Shavel– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Social Geography.
  8. Trifonova– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Social Geography.
  9. Voronkova– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Social Geography.
  10. Titov– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Social Geography (Executive Secretary of the Conference).
  11. Slivinskaya– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Social Geography.
  12. Zhigalskaya– Researcher, Institute of Economics of National Academy of Sciences (Belarus).
  13. Vishnyak– Belarusian State University (Belarus), Graduate Student of the Department of Economic and Social Geography.



Organizing Committee Address: 220030, Minsk, Leningradskaya st., 16.

Belarusian State University, Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics, department of economic and social geography.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone number of the department +375 (017) 209-54-94.

Anton Titov (executive secretary of the conference) - lecturer at the department of economic and social Geography, mobile phone +375 (29) 257-30-04.