Belarusian Geographical Society
The Geographical Society of the BSSR was formed in 1954 and was part of the Geographical Society of the USSR. It was transformed into the Belarusian Geographical Society of Belarus in 1992, and afterwards it was renamed into the Nongovernment Organization of the Geographical Society of Belarus.
Regional branches are the core of the Republican Public Association of the Geographical Society of Belarus:
- Mahilioŭ Branch
- Hronda Branch
- Brest Branch
- Viciebsk Branch
- Mazyr Branch
Apart from that, there are sections that unite specialists of multidisciplinary specialties:
- Physical Geography
- Economic Geography
- Geographical Ecology
- School Geography
- Geology and Space Aerial Identification
- GIS and Mapping
- Publishing
The supreme governing body of NGO of the Belarusian Geographical Society of Belarus is a convention which is called every five years. The governing body between conventions is the Academic Council that is hold at least once in 3 months and is headed by a panel of the Academic Council of the Geographical Society of Belarus (5 members) and the chair (elected at the convention for the period of 5 years).
Geographers, geologists, soil scientists, economists, ethnographers, teachers and many others are members of the Belarusian Geographical Society.
The Society’s activities include integrated research into the problems of efficient nature management, environmental impact assessment and the study of geographical basis of forming agro-industrial complexes, settlement patterns, improvement in teaching geography at schools and universities, issues of theoretical and applied geography.
The main working practices are meetings of the Academic Council, departments and committees as well as holding general meetings, scientific conferences, participating in scientific expertise, publishing science journals etc. A lot is done to commemorate renowned Belarusian geographers.
The current Chair is Aleksey Yarotov, PhD, Associate Professor.
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