
Basic Courses
· Geography: Earth Crust Science; Introduction to Social-Economy Geography; Use of Natural Resources and Protection of Nature; Geography of the Global Population; Geography of the Global Economy; History and Methodology of Geography; Meteorology and Climatology; Cartography and Cartographic Mapping; Methods of Airspace Exploration; Techno-Economical Basis of Production; Toponomy; Economic Geography and Political Geography of Foreign Countries; Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans; Bio-Geography and the Foundations of Ecology; Methods of Geographical Research; Theory of Socio-Economic Geography; Physical Geography of Russia and the C.I.S; Physical and Economic Geography of Belarus.

· Geology: Geology, Geomorphology, Soil Science and the Geography of Soils; Hydrology; Landscape Studies; Topography and the Foundations of Geodesy; Study of the Territorial Industrial Complex.

· Humanitarian Courses: History of Belarus; Belarusian Language and Literature; Philosophy; History and Theory of Culture; Economic Theory; Political Science; Law; Foreign Languages; Psychology; Pedagogic and Methods of Education; Methods of Teaching Geography.

· Natural Science: Higher Mathematics and Computer Studies; Physics and the Foundations of Geophysics; Chemistry and the Foundations of Geochemistry.

Special Courses
Foundations of Paleo-Geography; Hydrо-Ecology; Geochemistry of Landscapes; Geophysics of Landscapes; Geography of Melioration; Petrology and the Foundations of Mineralogy; Geology of Quaternary Deposits; Foundations of Farming; Foundations of Land Use; The Foundations of Market Economy Statistics; Problems of Economic and Social Geography; Recreational Geography; Geography of International Tourism; Planning and Organizing Excursions; The Foundations of Demography; Medicinal Geography and Human Ecology; Labor Market and Problems of Employment; The Foundations of Hydrochemistry; Hydrobiology; Geoecology; The Foundations of Radio-Ecology; The Foundations of Biosphere; Geodesy Basis of Mapmaking; Cartometry; Space Cartography; Regional Planning and Management.

Specialities/areas of studies specialisations

Graduate’s areas of activity

software products and tools to be mastered

«Geology and Mineral Exploration»  

Specialisations: geological survey, mineral prospecting and exploration; hydrogeology and engineering geology.

Qualification «Engineering geologist»

organising and conducting geologic prospecting surveys,

evaluation of mineral exploration potential,

developing new methods for mineral prospecting,

prospecting in hydrology and engineering geology

Satellite technology in geodynamics

Computer graphics in engineering geology/

Electrical survey methods in engineering geology

Using Surfer to produce deposit maps

Creating applications for image processing of  rock sections (Delphi)


Area «Teaching and research» (Scientific research and educational activity)

Specialisations: geography of tourism and excursion management, geography of soils, land resources and melioration, regional management, biogeography

Qualification «Geographer. Geography Teacher.»

educational career at schools, colleges and universities,

travel and tourism,

tourism and excursion management,

monitoring and researching soils and melioration objects,

area planning,

using and designing GIS-systems to organize environmental management,

monitoring biocoenoses and researching bioresources

Quantum GIS, 



PSPP, SPSS Statistics,

Arc GIS, Adobe Illustrator,

Educational  Server Web 2.0: Мindmeister, TimeslinesJS, Infogram, Slideshare, Microsoft Vision,


Area «Geodemography»



Qualification «Geographer. Geodemographer»

investigating demographic problems and areal labour distribution forms,

economic and geographic analysis of demographic situation and population distribution on the territory of the country,

forecasting world demographic trends in the regionаl,

developing recommendations on the improvement of demographic policy and schemes of the complex areal organisation in the Republic of Belarus


PSPP, SPSS Statistics,

Arc GIS,

Adobe Illustrator

«Geographic information systems (GIS)»


Qualification «Specialist in cadastre and geographic information systems»


development, actualization  and application of GIS-projects,

managing digital registries  and registers of the natural resources in state cadasters,

creating digital cartography products and CAD-systems,

GIS maintenance of planning, surveying, research and environmental management,

processing of environmental remote sensing date,

collating data on natural environment provided by remote sensing techniques,

land use planning

ArcGIS,  Quantum GIS,



ERDAS Imagine,

GIS Метео,  AutoCAD,

GIS Panorama,


Programming in GIS,



Qualification «Geographer. Specialist in cartography and geodesy»

designing and developing cartography and multimedia products,

decoding and digital processing aerospace data (aerial photographs and satellite images, GPS data),

conducting topographic and geodesic surveys with GPS/GLONASS receivers, electronic tacheometers and digital gradienters,

updating (modifying) and producing large scale topographic maps,

indicative mapping on the basis of remote sensing data

Credo, AutoCAD,


MultiSpec, ENVI,


Trimble Geomatics Office,

Adobe Illustrator,

Соrel Drаw,

Adobe Photoshop,

GIS Panorama






Qualification «Geographer. Hydrometeorologist»

making hydrometeorological observations at hydrological (gauging) stations,

processing meteorological data and weather forecast,

monitoring and managing the cadastre of water and climate resources,

providing business entities with hydrometeorological information,

using remote sensing methods in hydrosphere and atmosphere research,

investigating the transformation of the water and climate resources

Software packages Meteorological Workstation,

Posts –WIN, Persona MIP, Persona MIS,

WAREP-coder, GIS-метео, GIS-meteo,

«CLIWARE», Hydrology,

Snow, Rivers- Regime,

Evaporation, State Water Cadastre of a Lake

Hydrologist-forecaster workstation,

Sofware tools and libraries in OS,

Linux (Climate Data Operator, netCDF ),

Operators) WRF, StokStat, Statistica,



Specialisations: geoecological management, geoecological information systems


Qualification «Geographer-ecologist. Teacher of geography and ecology»


ecological expertise, management and audit of socio-economic and business activity,

designing environment impact assessment projects,

developing environmental measures, schemes of conservation areas,

geoecological environmental quality assessment,

areal and landscape planning,

conducting ecological and analytical monitoring of water resources,

designing GIS-projects and geoinformation maintenance of planning, surveying, researching in environmental management

Unified Program of air pollution estimation «Ecologist»


AutoCAD Map 3D,

ENVI, ERDAS Imagine,

GRASS, gvSIG, MapInfo,

NextGIS, QGIS, SAGA, SAS Planet,

Surfer, TerrSet,

GIS Panorama,

ГИС Formap GIS («Forest Resources»)

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