Economic and Social Geography
The department has 9 full-time teachers and 5 part-time teachers, of which 2 hold the degree of Doctors of Science and 7 are PhD (candidates of science).
The department was established in September 2017 as a result of the unification of the teaching staff of the departments of Economic Geography of Foreign Countries (1937–2017) and the Economic Geography of Belarus and the Commonwealth of Independent States (1968–2017).
The department is a leader in Belarus in training specialists and conducting research in the field of economic, social, recreational and political geography. The staff of the department are the leading experts in the country on the spatial aspects of the demographic, socio-economic and tourism development of the Republic of Belarus in general, as well as its individual regions.
On the basis of the department, the country's largest center for training specialists in the field of tourism geography, geodemography, and economic geography was formed.
At the 1st (undergraduate) stage of higher education:
- specialty 1-31 02 01 “Geography (with directions)”, direction of the specialty Geography (geodemography) with the qualification “Geographer. Geodemograph",
- specialty 1-31 02 04 “Geotechnologies of tourism and excursion activities” with the qualification “Geographer. Specialist in geotechnologies of tourism and excursion activities.
At the second stage of higher education (Master degree studies):
- specialty 1-31 80 02 Geography, profiling Innovative geotechnologies with the degree of "Master".
The department is unique in BSU and in Belarus
The structure of the educational process aimed at developing key professional competencies among students. It includes both the study of fundamental and special disciplines (introduction to socio-economic geography, population geography, theory of socio-economic geography, socio-economic geography of foreign countries, economic geography of Belarus, political geography), as well as the specialized ones (geography of international tourism, advertisement of a tourist product, basics of regional analysis, etc.).
Wide opportunities for student’s participation in research work through the preparation of scientific articles, presentations at scientific and practical conferences and participation in the implementation of research work within the framework of the tasks of the State research programs, republican and international projects, as well as through the implementation of student grants research.
Teachers of the department are the authors of textbooks and teaching handbooks in geography, geographical maps for institutions of secondary and higher education, are members of teams designing geographical atlases.
Professor of the department Antipova E.A. is one of the leading experts in the post-Soviet space in the field of geodemography and population geography; she is the leading expert of the UNFPA in the Republic of Belarus.
The department pays considerable attention to the student’s involvement into scientific activities through the functioning of student scientific associations. The Student Research Laboratory (SRL) of Regional Demographic Problems is one of the best student laboratories of the BSU on annual basis. Participants of the student scientific circle "Region" and SRL of Regional Demographic Problems had won Republican competition of scientific works of student’s numerous times.
Famous graduates of the department
Doctor of Science in Geography, professor, founder of the scientific school of tourism geography in Belarus Pirozhnik I.I.
Winner of the XVII Republican tourist competition "Get To Know Belarus" in 2019 in the nomination "Tour Guide of the Year", member of the attestation commission of the National Tourism Agency, candidate of geographical sciences Fedortsova T.A.
The founder and director of one of the oldest tourist companies in Belarus - ALC "VIAPOL", PhD (candidate of geographical sciences) Potaeva G.R.
16 Leningradskaya Street, office 210, Minsk 220030, Belarus
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