1921 The Belarusian State University was founded. Geography was presented as an academic discipline.
1924 The studies of the geography of Belarus were introduced to all students of the Pedagogical Faculty.
1933 The Department of Soil Science was established under the direction of Academician Ya.N.Afanasyev (member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR).
1934 The Faculty of Geology, Soil Science and Geography was established at the BSU. The Department of Physical Geography was set up, later transformed into the Department of the Physical Geography of the USSR, then the Department of Geographical Ecology. The Museum of Mineralogy and Petrography was started, later transformed into the Museum of Earth Science.
1936 The Department of Economic Geography was established under the direction of Professor M.N. Smirnov.
1937 The Faculty was renamed into the Geographical Faculty.
1938 Postgraduate PhD courses on geographical sciences were offered.
1943 The Faculty resumed its activity at the station of Skhodnya of the October railway station near Moscow.
1944 The Geographical Faculty returned to Minsk.
1954 The Belarusian Geographical Society was formed on the base of the university.
1961 The Department of the Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans was established under the direction of Professor V.G. Zavriyev.
1962 The Laboratory of Soil Biochemistry was set up under the direction of Academician I.S. Lupinovich (member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR), later transformed into the Research Laboratory of Landscape Melioration, then the Research Laboratory of Landscape Ecology.
1966 The Laboratory of Lake Research and Sporo-Pollen Analysis was set up under the direction of Professor O.F.Jakushko, later transformed into the Research Laboratory of Limnology.
1968 The Department of the Economic Geography of Foreign Countries was established under the direction of Professor N.T. Romanovsky. The Department of the Economic Geography of the USSR was established under the direction of Professor I.I.Trukhan, later transformed into the Department of the Geography of Belarus and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
1969 The Department of Geodesy and Cartography was established under the direction of Associate Professor V.Ya. Krishchanovich.
1973 The educational geographical station “Zakhodniaja Biarezina” was set up in Valožyn district of Minsk region. The Department of General Earth Science was established under the direction of Professor O.F.Yakushko. Braslaŭ Research Limnological Centre was set up.
1994 New specializations such as “Geology and Mineral Exploration” and “Ecology”, later “Geographical Ecology” were introduced.
1995 The Department of Dynamic Geology was established under the direction of Academician R.G.Garetsky (member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR).
1997 “Geographical Information Systems” (GIS) was introduced within the specialization of “Geography”.
2002 The National Atlas of Belarus was published. The editorial board consisted of V.S. Anoshka, R.A. Zhmaydiak, G.I.Martinkevich, I.I.Pirozhnik.
2005 “Hydrometeorology” was introduced within the specialization of “Geography”.
2006 Postgraduate courses offering MSc degrees were introduced for the specialization of “Geography”.
2009 Postgraduate courses offering MSc degrees were introduced for the specializations of “General and Regional Geology”, “Geographical Ecology”.
2011 “Space Aerial Cartography” was introduced within the specialization of “Geography”.
2012 Postgraduate courses offering MSc degrees were introduced for the specializations of “Geographical Ecology”, “Land Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry”, “General and Regional Geology”.
2014 The Department of Engineering Geology and Geophysics was established under the direction of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.F.Sanko. A master’s course was introduced for the specialization of “Meteorology, Climatology, Agrometeorology”.
2015 Enrolment for the specialization of “Geographical Information Systems” and “Geodemography” within the specialization of “Geography”.
2017 The Department of the Economic Geography of Foreign Countries and the Department of the Geography of Belarus and the Commonwealth of Independent States were combined to form the Department of Economic and Social Geography under the direction of Doctor of Geographical Sciences E.A. Antipova. The Geographical Atlas of the Teacher was published.
2018 The Departments of Dynamic Geology and Engineering Geology and Geophysics were combined to form the Department of Regional Geology under the direction of Associate Professor O.V. Lukashev.
2019 The Geographical Faculty was renamed into the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics. The Department of Soil Science and Earth Information Systems was renamed into the Department of Soil Science and Geoinformatics. The Department of Geodesy and Cartography was renamed into the Department of Geodesy and Space Aerial Cartography. Postgraduate courses offering MSc degrees were introduced for the following specializations: “General and Regional Geology”, “Synoptic Meteorology”, “Innovation Geotechnologies”.